Hi Guys,

Thank God its Friday.

I hope we are all staying safe in these trying times. It is our prayer that all will be well.

On today’s episode of Humans of Swifta, we will get to know ten fun things about the Ag. Head of Human Resources, Stella Okoeka.

Let’s met her.

Q1: What’s your name?

A: Okoeka Oseme Stella

Q2: What do you do at Swifta?

A: Human Resource Management

Q3: What’s one professional skill you are currently working on?

A: Business Management

Q4: Are you an Early bird or a Night Owl?

A:  I think I’m both …lol

Q5: Can you play any instrument? If your answer is yes, tell us the instrument.

A: No

Q6: Do you have any hidden talents? What is it?

A: Yes I do but it’s a secret(can’t tell it)


Q7: What was your favourite Tv/Cartoon character growing up?

A: Tweety Bird


Q8: What’s one song that you have memorised completely?

A: Paparazzi by Lady Gaga 

Q9: What’s your most used emoji?


Q10: If you could only have  any one Superpower, which would you choose?

A: Telepathy – would make my job super sweet!


Hey Stella, thanks for sharing some fun things about you.

Have a great weekend everyone, stay safe and please obey the state imposed curfew.